Use Your Dual Shock 3 at PC! (With SCP3 Driver; Fake Joystick Works too)

Disclaimer:SCP DS3 or XInput wrapper for DS3 isn't project of mine, i'm just sharing to you from here and my friend changes some of the code from source so fake controllers detected and vibration works well. Sorry but english isn't my main languange, if you found grammar error or wrong use of words you can tell me via comment below.

Do you have Dual Shock 3 and dont want to buy another wireless controller for PC?
Or you just want a cheap wireless controller using fake DS3 controller?

here's the solution!
SCP DS3 (slightly modded)
why use SCP DS3:
- Not a spyware like some driver (if you already googled some)
- driver works really well and bluescreen never occured (win 7, 8, 8.1)
- 4 controller supports
- Fake Controller supports (original scp ds3 can't use wireless bluetooth as its connection)

before we start, download this file:

it contains:
- ScpControl.dll (dll which make the fake controller can be read in bluetooth connection)
- SCP-DS-Driver-Package (driver, source code and update patch)

Step by Step:

1. Extract it on anywhere you like, and extract the driver and replace the extracted driver with update
before go to next step, make sure you already fulfilled this requirement

1. Microsoft .NET 4.0
2. Visual C 2013 Runtime.
3. Latest DirectX Runtime.
4. Latest Xbox 360 Controller Drivers available.
5. Genuine Sony DualShock3 or DualShock4 or SixAxis Controller(s).
6. Minimum of Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR Dongle (if using Bluetooth). 
7. Administrator rights on your PC.

2. Run ScpDriver.exe with admin privilleges

3. if you already installed scp driver before, uninstalled it.  Install if you are ready (tick force install if the result is not like pic below)

4. replace ScpControl.dll to bin in server, so your fake controller can works

5. enjoy! (the mapping of the key is the same with xbox360 controller) 

(if you want to start the service, open Command Prompt with admin privillege, type: net start "SCP DS3 Service". if you want to stop the service just change start and stop)

if there's any mistake or something missing (like bluetooth compability etc.) you can go here:

thanks :) (another time, i'll try to make indonesia translation because i'm kinda feel lazy right now)


  1. stick ke 3 dan ke 4 gak bs konek wireless gan...

    1. kemungkinan besar sih mac address bluetooth nya kebetulan sama jadi ga kedetect, yang fake emang suka ada problem aneh2

    2. Pnya FB atau BBM gitu ga?
      Saya mau tanya tanya nih

  2. Ada FB ga gan saya mau kontak agan nih

    1. kalau masih bingung bisa liat yang ini

      kontak sini aja langsung atau message fb saya

  3. gan gmn nih kok pnya saya usbny nyambung putus nymbung putus? saya pke stik yg harganya 125

  4. Setelah driver di nstal sih lancar jaya ,tapi setelah resart gk mau konek lagi kedip2 doang di reinstal bisa lagi tapi setelah resart gitu lagi gitu lagi
    Solusinya gan ?

  5. @galih ibrahim

    sori ya udah lama ga nyentuh aplikasinya, udah make stik lain. Untuk kasus ini emang agak aneh, temen ane yg bantu modif kodingannya ga perlu install lagi, tapi ane sendiri masih install ulang tiap mau main. kan cuma sebentar aja bro install ulangnya, kodingannya juga udah agakl jadul kalau googling dikit ada yg lebih baru


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